bible-games-1Don’t let your Bibles be dusty!

This page is about young Christians learning about the Bible while having fun. The youth nowadays are so preoccupied with too much activities and most are due to the world’s technology boost. Come to think of it, every household has a Desktop Computer if not laptop or notebook. May also have Ipad or if not Ipod and tablets. Some may also have Play stations if not Game Boys. And the most owned handy gadget is the cellphone! Or what if it’s an android cellphone? Then it can contain any fun and interesting applications that would keep the youth from Growing in their Spiritual Life.

Hopefully, these activities may be useful for Youth Facilitators, Youth Pastors and even Youth themselves who wanted to make their fellowship fun and exciting. Cheers and God bless!

I am a Pentecostal Christian and as far as I can remember, I have been trained to always bring my Bible on Sunday Services, Prayer Meetings, Evening Services, Youth Overnight Prayers and during our Youth Fellowship. But there are days of not being able to bring it. Our Youth Pastor tells us, let it not be that every Sunday morning when we look for our Bibles, we have to blow and wipe it first because of dusts. In short : Bibles are dusty when not in used during weekdays! Funny but true! Especially to the young ones, it has always been a joke that they are able to read love SMS,emails and Facebook messages but can they find time reading even just one Bible verse a day? Our Pastor even asked us if we are shy that people would see us bringing Bibles.

Youth Fellowship is one of our main activity at church to keep them close, to monitor,to teach them and especially to draw them closer to God. Our Youth Pastor asked me to facilitate the said Fellowship during games.We actually have a flexi-schedule for this. We had tried it as Youth Night (Friday 5-7pm), Youth Afternoon (Sunday 3-5pm) and this weekend,will be the first for the Saturday 3-5pm. Our schedule depends on the availability of most of them. Participants range from ages 12-20..

Read more to see our sequence, but you can always modify it.

1. Opening Song & Opening Prayer
One praise song and one worship will do. Then opening prayer. It’s to commit the whole activity to the Lord, the sole reason of our fellowship.


2. Introduction of visitors (if any)
This is to welcome visitors and make them comfortable with the group. This can be done very quick.
Greet,smile and tell your name. =]


3. Memory Verses (everyone is encouraged to have a memory verse)
In John 1:1 it is written,
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


4. Word of God by our Youth Pastor (sometimes, he gives the message after our games)

Meet our dear Youth Pastor, Rev. Ferdinand “Bong” Esteban.

bible-games-5Christians should always study God’s word for us to grow in Him.

According to 1 Peter 2:2,

“As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, By feeding on God’s word we will become mature Christians. As believers we have a hunger that can only be satisfied by God’s word, anything else will leave us feeling hungry.

5. Message of an assigned youth ( If our Youth Pastor is not available- he asks someone to share)
Our fellowship is not just about fun and gaming but it’s more of preparing each and everyone in sharing about God’s word. This fellowship is indeed our training ground to improve our self-confidence in facing people, our speech, means of expressing our views and to eventually share how God is working in us.


6. Yeah Bible Games Proper! Weeeeeee!
Some games may be common but at times, we give a twist on it.
If we have enough time,we are able to play all games listed below, but if not- we do it on alternates. You can also start orienting the younger ones because some of these can be bible games for kids too.


GROUP them into 2.. I usually pair them up before they do the paper,scissor,rock.
I pair them with their most equal opponent.

Whenever a team reaches the limit for each Game,then PROCEED to the Next One.

1. BIBLE QUIZ (FIXED) Everyone can participate. Whenever a groups reaches 10 pts -proceed to next game.
-10 questions (5 from the Youth Pastor’s message/lecture and 5 random)

2. BIBLE MEMORY (ALTERNATES) SOLO or DUAL -proceed to next game then.
-This game is sometimes done on SOLO or DUAL,depending on the facilitator
-SOLO-each group picks 1 representative to recite the Bible Books according to it’s order.
-From Genesis down to Revelation,without looking at the “order list”.
-10 points for perfect recitation and 5pts. if ends at Jonah (half or 33rd of the 66 books)
-DUAL-each group picks 2 from their team. 1 is assigned for the OLD Testament and 1 is assigned for the NEW.
Take Note: If the 1st did not finish til Malachi, the 2nd will lose the chance to recite the New Testament. (Matthew to Rev.)
so they see to it they have chosen a well-focused player for the OLD Testament.
-If in case the player stops at any book, I point them as 1 pt. per 6-7 books..

3. BIBLE DRILL (FIXED) Everyone with a Bible can participate. Whenever a groups reaches 10 pts -proceed to next game.
-Must have a Bible.The more players who brought their Bibles,the better!
-This will measure how fast they are to browse their Bibles.
-Hint:To be able to browse fast, they should have memorize the “order of the Books”
-To start, facilitator says “Bibles up!”
-Facilitator will say what verse to look for. TWIST : We don’t say it in order
Example: Assuming the verse is John 3:16 “For God so loved..”
The facilitator will say “16:3”–“16:3”–John.. GO! (say the reverse 2x)
-The first to stand,read and MUST end the verse gets the point.
-Every after 3 verses, change Bibles -exchanging with any of the opponents. It’s to train their efficiency for whatever Bible they will use.
-Bibles marked with names of the books at the side of the page are not allowed to be used.

4. BIBLE TARGET (FIXED) 1 for each Team. Then next batch and so on. Whenever a groups reaches 10 pts -proceed to next game then.
-1 player vs. the Matched player during the scissor,paper,rock
– Facilitator will say “Target the Book of Mark”, in an instant both should open the bible , the FIRST TRY only, NO PEEPING..
-The player who targets the exact book gets 2 points
-If no one targets exactly, the closest gets the point..but only 1..
Sample: “Target the Book of Numbers!”
Player A opens Genesis while Player B opens Ruth: see below
Gen Ex Lev Num Deut Josh Judg Ruth
Player A gets 1 point, just 2 books away from Num. while Ruth is 3 books away.
I sometimes say, “Target the Book before _____ or after ______” to keep them awake. LOL

5. BIBLE HUNTING (ALTERNATE) Everyone can participate. Whenever a groups reaches 10 pts -proceed to next game then.
-Must have a Bible.The more players who brought their Bibles,the better!
-This will measure how fast they are to browse their Bibles.
-Hint:To be able to browse fast, they should have memorize the “order of the Books”
If the verse is Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord..”
-Facilitator will say “Proverbs 3..Proverbs 3” then will read the verse..
“Trust in the Lord..” so all players will find what # or verse it is.. When the player shouts “5!” then 1 point goes to the team.

6. BIBLE TELEPHONE (depending on the #s of players)Whenever a groups reaches 10 pts -proceed to next game then.
– Both groups will fall into their own lines
– the first in each line will wait for the facilitators instruction while holding a Bible
1. bring me
2. action
3. just say
– sample: facilitator will tell the 1st, bring me the 3rd word of this verse ______ then gives the scripture.
-the player browses the Bible
assuming the word is “rock”, the 1st will pass the word to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd until the message reaches the the last 1…
then the last 1 will look for a rock and gives it to the facilitator.
-after this match, the 1st player will goes to the end of the line so the 2nd player of each group becomes the 1st and same process,will wait for the instruction
-sample: facilitator will tell, act the 14th word of this verse _______ then gives the scripture.
-the player browses the Bible
assuming the word is “preaching” the 1st will pass the word to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd until the message gets the word… then the last 1 will go to the facilitator and act the word.
-sample: facilitator will tell, SHOUT the last word of this verse _______ then gives the scripture.
-the player browses the Bible
assuming the word is “resurrection” the 1st will pass the word to the 2nd, 2nd to 3rd until the message gets the word… then the last 1 will just shout the word.

7. SCRIPTURE MEMORY 10 points (ALTERNATE) Everyone can participate. Whenever a groups reaches 10 pts -proceed to next game then.
-All Books (Genesis to Revelation) are written on a little piece of paper for draw lots.
-The facilitator shall pick 1. Assuming the book is John. Each group should recite a memorized verse. Any of the group member can recite without any copy. If the Group 1 recited John 3:16, the Group 2 can’t recite the same verse anymore, means they have to provide a different one. The verse should be accurate-first word to period. For mistakes, 3 trials are allowed.
-Every time the facilitator picks a book, the same process. But alternates on turn so the other group can also have the chance of saying a verse first.

8. EXTEMPORANEOUS (depends) 10 pts for the better speaker
– Each group will have 1 representative.
– The facilitator shall prepare 2 verses.
-The 2 representatives shall pick from the verses.
-Both will be given 5 minutes to study the verse.
-When the time is over, first representative will be given 3 minutes to share and expand the verse.
Then the other group representative do the sharing later.
-Facilitator requests any observer (Pastor or Elders) to judge both and give additional words.
-The points depend on how the observer will rate them.
-This will train the youth to learn more about God’s word and eventually understanding.
It allows them to share their personal insights about the verse and most of all builds their confidence in speaking about God’s words.

9. BIBLE CHARADE/ACTIONS 15 points (their favorite lol!)
-1 artist per group and the rest can guess.
-no pointing of letters. no mouth reading
-sometimes the facilitator gives easy words, but sometimes I let them act 15 words for 5 pts!)
-let them act any word from the bible-name,place,etc.
bible-games-8To motivate the attendees to be better for the next week.

Every fellowship, they are grouped randomly through the scissor,rock,paper.
It’s for them to be able to mingle among every youth in the church

Our prices aren’t expensive, simple food stuffs will do.


8. Bring your offering
This is where we get budget for food stuffs for next weeks fellowship.

9. Bind the fellowship with a PRAYER!
Let any of the youth to pray for the offering & also the CLOSING Prayer.
It’s giving God the glory for making it a productive day. Give thanks!


Pray and pray without ceasing yeah!
SESSION ENDS- See ya all next week!

To be able to excel in the Bible games, everyone is encouraged to learn the Bible. To memorize the order of the books, to browse on Bible characters and to memorize verses accurately. Having this weekly activity, we can be sure our Bibles wouldn’t be DUSTY at all.

MODIFIED during Valentines Week, Mother’s Day & Father’s Day

bible-games-11We have a special activity for Valentines Week. We got different games and had been practicing it for 3-4 years already. Instead of being excited for a date, we encourage the youth to Celebrate the Greatest Love ever known. God’s Love 🙂
A Date to Remember! I will write a different post for it next time. Bye=) God bless!

Our questions, quizzes are also modified during occasions like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day & Christmas Season.
Remember your Creator when you are young..
Ecclesiastes 12:1

Remember your Creator when you are young, before the days of trouble come and the years catch up with you. They will make you say, “I have found no pleasure in them.

With this fellowship, tell you dear brothers and sisters:

  1. The Youth are drawn closer to God and to fellow Christians
  2. The Youth discovers their God given talents (music team, outreach teachers/helpers, prayer warriors 😉 ) see video below. our bonding moments.
  3. The Youth have made themselves active and available in helping our church activities even if it’s not about the youth anymore (see photos below)
  4. The Youth grows in the house of the Lord
  5. The Youth is guided about Christ-like living and even about Christian Dating. That eventually, they will not just find a partner in life but a partner in serving the Lord.

Know the song “God is awesome?” The bridge says:
I found where I belong, I’m a living stone. In this house I will grow.

Let’s pray that the Christian Youth will desire to grow in the house of the Lord and can never be S-H-A-K-E-N! Yeahhhhhhh!!