We just can’t deny that Easter Eggs do portray a special role in every Christian’s household during Eastertide. It’s not just for fun and creativity but in line with our Christian faith, the Easter Egg represents the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus. Just like when an egg is hatched, a new creature lives. It’s good to enjoy the season victoriously but it’s also best to share with people even to the kids the true essence of Easter as well the the Easter Egg.
History of Easter Eggs

For the early Eastern and Western Christians, meats, eggs and other dairy products such as milk are forbidden during the Lenten season. The very reason why they should consume all these food products before the lent begins but come to think of it, the chickens never stopped producing eggs during the fasting season. There’s an abundant store of eggs and to avoid waste of food, people would boil eggs and wait for Easter so it was a part of the tradition having boiled eggs for everyone to eat during Easter Sunday.
The Easter eggs’ very first color was red, representing the blood of Jesus Christ that shed on the cross. Dyed ostrich eggs with engraved gold decors were brought to the church during the Holy Saturday (also the end of Pashal Vigil or Easter Vigil) so the priest could bless the eggs and be distributed to the faithful followers. Proves to show that these eggs are not supposed to be just fancy as they are today, but having a great significance in every Christians belief – the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter Egg Ideas: What to do with the Easter Eggs?
Below are the most common activities that involve Easter Eggs. I’m just so sure you would like all of them. It’s good to have activities likes these to keep the family and friends close. These are also fun activities that would make the weekend for the kids worth-spending with the family circle. From the traditional Easter Egg related activities, there are just tons of new exciting ways to make Easter Eggs a part of the season. You can decorate it, eat it, play with it or even throw it! Browse on guys!
Easter Egg Hunt

Can be played individually or by group depending on the number of participants. Kids are given baskets for them to collect Easter Eggs hidden at a certain area. Usually done outdoors and once in a while, the participants are given clues of where the eggs may be possible hidden. The person/group with the most number of eggs will be considered the winner. The children just soooo loved playing hide and seek, detective Conan, Amazing Race and Blues clues all-in-one! A good way to give additional clues and instructions would be putting the message in a box like the sample below. Cute stuffs like this will be very inviting for the kids’ attention.

Shop for Easter Egg Hunt Kits
Easter Egg Picking
Another outdoor game but instead of hunting eggs, this time kids are going to pick Easter eggs hanging from the tree. Oh my, if they’d all be hanging like in the photo photo- I sure would go crazy picking the most pretty Easter eggs!

Easter Egg Throwing

Another outdoor game which aims to keep the egg safe while throwing from one person to another (pair). Starts with close distance and after every throw, the pairs are so take 1 step backward which also means level up. The pair that goes the farthest with their Easter egg safe wins the game. Usually played by the adults.
Easter Egg Decors
Moms and sisters would be most interested in this Easter Egg idea. Set up your Eastertide decorations at home! Begin with Easter Egg Wreath, Easter Egg Banners, Easter Egg Candles, Easter Egg Centerpieces and more. Here are few of my favorite fantastic DIY Easter Decoration ideas from talented people. Glad they shared these online.
Easter Egg Wreaths
Of course, these Easter Eggs may be artificial too.

Easter Egg Banners
Just look at this cutie baby and those cutie colored Easter egg banners behind him. Loving it!

This one is an equally amazing idea!

Easter Egg Centerpieces / Easter Egg Candles

If you have enough time to prepare, this is one of the loveliest I’d say. Those who love flowers and plants really much would find this super amazing! Since it’s for Easter, you can also design eggs before growing the plants in it.

This one could be both an Easter centerpiece or an Easter Egg bouquet instead of giving flowers. The eggs are dyed, got buttons for designs and a nice-crafted can for vase.

5 Easter Egg Recipes
Again, another Easter Egg activity that females would surely love to do – cooking!!!!! You may be very good with hard boiled eggs but let’s say, doing it the Easter way and with style! Looking soo yummy!

Easter Egg Crafts
These days, an Easter egg can be artificial made up of different materials. Consider using stuffed cloth, felt papers and more. The very popular crafts with Easter eggs are Easter Egg Bouquet and Easter Cards.
Your Easter greetings, wishes and messages will be even more colorful and touching when written on a wonderful DIY Easter Egg card as this. You still have enough time for a handmade card to gift to your love ones!

Aside from your Easter gift baskets, cards or any other gifts – this Easter Egg bouquet will surely melt the heart of any female you love. Could it be your wife, sister, mother, daughter or a good friend. They’d surely love this blooming Easter eggs!

Another beautiful Easter Egg bouquet arrangement

Easter Egg Printable / Easter Egg Coloring Pages / Easter Coloring Android Apps
Since younger kids or toddlers can’t participate much in creating their own Easter egg, this is going to be the best option for them. Kids love coloring a lot! Whether using crayola, color pencils or paint – it’s going to be so much fun for them! Here are some nice sites where Easter coloring pages are available. If you own an android phone or tablet, there are also Easter coloring apps where kids can color eggs and bunnies virtually. Yep, without being messy at all!
- I prefer the Google way (lol)
- http://www.coloring.ws
- http://www.abcteach.com
- http://www.activityvillage.co.uk
Fun Android Apps for Easter Egg Coloring, Decorating, Painting virtually. Download for free from the Google Playstore/Market. Toddlers would love this!
Coloring Easter Eggs
Among all of these Easter Egg ideas, this is the most exciting and favorite especially for the kids in the family. The very reason why I’m writing more of it in this post, than the other activities. Well, the coloring sheet may be fun, but trust me coloring real eggs would be double-the-fun! Aside from bringing out at artist spirit in every child, they may also learn to be patient and carefully in handling their very own eggs or egg shells.
For those who have not tried it before, there are 2 choices for the parents in preparing the egg before the kids would start to decorate.
1. Thеу соuld еіthеr bоіl thе еggѕ fоr а lоng реrіоd оf tіmе tо mаkе thеm really hаrd аnd еаѕу tо сlеаn uр іf thеу brеаk whеn dесоrаtеd
2. Thеу соuld роkе а ѕmаll hоlе іn а rаw еgg аnd lеt thе уоlk аnd whіtе run оut оf іt, lеаvіng а соmрlеtе еggѕhеll fоr сhіldrеn tо uѕе.
Make sure the hands of the kids are clean, for oily skin might hinder effective еffесtіvеnеѕѕ оf раіnt оr реnѕ whеn dесоrаtіng еggѕ. Let the kids decide for thе асtuаl dесоrаtіоn оf thе еggѕ. Pаrеntѕ ѕhоuld prepare раіnt аnd bruѕhеѕ, dіffеrеnt ѕtуlеѕ оf реnѕ, tapes, sequences, accessories and сrаft mаtеrіаlѕ tо bе соmbіnеd wіth thе еggѕ. Chіldrеn wіll hаvе ѕо muсh fun dесоrаtіng thеіr Eаѕtеr еggѕ аnd раrеntѕ саn јоіn іn wіth thеm tо mаkе іt еvеn bеttеr.
Cool, Unique, Easy, and Amazing Easter Egg Designs, Decorations & Coloring
Dying Easter Eggs
The very basic thing to do to an Easter egg. There’s a natural way to color the eggs. You just have to use certain plants or veggies and boil with the egg so it would be dyed. Full instructions from momables.com
Kool-Eggs Dyed with Kool Aid
Yeah we’re in a modern world now and if you can’t find the natural plants available, better go to the grocery store and shop for Kool Aid powdered juice. You’re gonna love this!

Glitter Glam Easter Eggs
Dye the eggs the usual way. Let it dry then paint the eggs with craft glue and add glitters. These Easter eggs will be stunning!

Easter Egg with Ribbons
I like this very much. Aside from dying it the way you like just like having a pattern. The egg below was first wrapped with number of rubber bands before it was dyed. That’s how some spaces weren’t colored. Let it dry then wrap it with a slim ribbon to complete the process. Beautiful!

Personalized Easter Eggs
To make it more personal, you can either put your name or initial on your egg.

NO DYE – Button Decorated Easter Eggs
If you don’t like the process of dying, then this is best for you. Sticking glue to you Easter Egg. A smart idea!

Black Easter Eggs with Chalk-Written Designs
Dye the eggs with color black. With this procedure, you can write, draw or design you egg using the chalk. Temporary decorations just in case you wanna change from time to time.

Easter Egg with Pattern Stencils
To create cool shapes and silhouettes, before dying stick nice patterns (leaves,flowers,stickers of any design) and you’d end up with a lovely result!
Easter Egg Couple
This may be one of the simplest design but it’s too cute to be ignore! Use a black pen to draw the details and don’t forget to add the pink ribbon for the female egg.

More ideas for decorating Easter Eggs
Disney Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Floral Designs

Easter Egg Animal Designs

Easter Eggs Cartoon Designs
Some are so fond of cartoon characters so the following egg designs are quite famous for the modern Easter egg. No doubt they are really adorable!
Easter Egg Zombie

Easter Egg Superheroes

Easter Eggs Angry Birds

Easter Eggs Sponge bobs

Dесоrаtіng Eаѕtеr еggѕ іѕ а fun fіllеd tаѕk fоr раrеntѕ аnd сhіldrеn. Pаrеntѕ nееd tо mаkе thе nесеѕѕаrу рrераrаtіоnѕ fоr thе асtіvіtу, but аftеr thаt сhіldrеn саn bе lеft tо thеіr оwn tо сrеаtе whаtеvеr thеу wаnt. Lеttіng сhіldrеn сrеаtе ѕmаll lіttlе hеаdѕ іѕ fun, but rеаllу thеse eggs саn be аnуthіng they imagine. You can also browse for Youtube Easter Eggs to get more ideas. Enjoy!