Supposed you met a person online that became your special someone but is living far away from you. Or maybe your loved one decided to work abroad, in a foreign country that would separate you physically. Is it worth to spend your time to a long distance relationship Quotes with that person? Of course if you truly love that person, you would believe that love remains despite the distance.
I’ve heard of it many times, some of these long distance relationships have succeeded while some ended just as how observers predicted. Not everyone believes in this kind of relationship, especially when the case is that lovers just met online and haven’t met in person yet. People think they are too crazy to invest too much emotion to a stranger – indeed a stranger in their sight but NOT to a person in love.

You may be surprised of how much a relationship can grow from how it all started in a public website. Whether it’s through Facebook, email, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram or chat boxes maybe. It all began with a “hi” and “hello” then next thing you know you’re hooked to a particular person. Without even seeing that someone personally and not being to hold hands with but isn’t it strange how everything feels so right.
Despite the distance, talking through internet with video cam along with telephone calls and maybe writing postcards can build intimacy which results to learning about each other’s qualities, values, ways of thinking, sensitivities, dreams, and aspirations. You realized you’re no more ordinary people but became much more special. We know every relationship has different struggles, then how much more if we’d come across a long distance love.
Here are some few long distance relationship advice to POSSIBLY saved it, but we all know it takes two to work it out.

1. Be very honest. Yes! Develop the ability to share your thoughts and feelings openly.
2. Avoid canceling schedules of video chats or putting off a phone call. Unless something really important occurred.
3. Keep in touch daily. Make use of the technology especially the internet and free Android messengers applications. When you talk, don’t just stick to love talk instead share about the day-to-day aspects of your lives. This helps both to learn of how each other thinks, feels and develop of personality. Long and thoughtful talks can convey a lot of what is important in the long-term: your goals, values and dreams.
4. Be flexible. Tell how much you think about and love him/her will make them miss you more and increase the urge to see you. Don’t be possessive or paranoid and accusing will only grow doubts.
5. BE READY. Be very ready to face the possibility of survival or separation. For everything is uncertain until you are finally together.
I’d repeat it. Not everyone would understand how love could exist between two people apart. So at times, people involved in LDR would cling to letters, songs, quotes, messages or sayings to appease themselves from their doubts. Been there, done that. I myself was a fan of a long distance relationship in the past so this post is quite personal for me. It didn’t worked out, but I can’t say if it won’t work for you too. Here are my favorite long distance relationship quotes, sayings, messages, images and songs. Please feel free to add some if there’s any you could suggest. Cheers!
Ooppps, before you proceed I’d like to tell you not all people meeting online ends up falling in love with each other. Some would just choose to be friends and just have fun doing crazy things like these two, a guy from Egypt and a girl from the Philippines.
Long Distance Relationship Quotes

We will survive through this distance.
I wish I were kissing you instead of missing you.
Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe the one reason why it will.
The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss.

The easiest part was falling in love with you. The hardest part is being away from you.
The thought of being with you tomorrow gives me the strength to go on today.
I don’t miss you and you alone – I miss you and me together.

Everybody deserves somebody who makes them look forward to tomorrow.
Nobody ever seems to understand We’re miles apart but we’re holding hands
― Zach Ashton (songwriter), Zach Ashton (songwriter)’s Book
But I must admit, I miss you quite terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby– Lemony Snicket
True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes.
If the only place where I could see you was in my dreams, I’d sleep forever.
Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but it’s more difficult to regret.
Love will travel as far as you let it. It has no limits. – Dee King
Long distance relationships are living proof that love is not just physical. I can feel you next to me even when you’re thousands of miles away.
Goodnight, hope to meet up with you in my dreams.
Love knows not its depth, till the hour of separation has arrived.
The longer you wait for something. The more you appreciate it when you get it. Because anything worth having is always worth the wait.
Love Quotes for Long Distance Relationship
“Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn’t make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more.”
-Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song
“Distance does not ruin people’s relationships. You don’t have to see someone every day to be in love.”
I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with in the years we were apart. -Nicholas Sparks, Dear John
I don’t cry because we’ve been separated by distance, and for a matter of years. Why? Because for as long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together― Donna Lynn Hope
Sweet Long Distance Relationship Messages
Love doesn’t know what distance is.
To those who have given up given up on love, I say, “Trust life a little bit”
-Maya Angelou
One day we will never have to say goodbye, only goodnight.
In the sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.
Cute Long Distance Relationship Quotes for you..

I’m far away but I’ll never let you go.
Distance is not for the fearful, it’s for the bold. It’s for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It’s for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough ― Meghan Daum
For long distance relationship I rather smile the miles..:)
You know you’ve found true love when you catch yourself falling in love with the same person over and over again despite them being miles away from you.

The days I don’t talk to you are just… BAD DAYS.
Sometimes, people who are thousands of miles away can make us feel better than people who are right next to us.
No matter how far you are, I will wait for you until we can finally be together.
Good relationships don’t just happen. They take time, patience and two people who truly want to be together.
Together forever, never apart. Sometimes in distance, but never in heart.

Distance means so little, when love means so much.
My heart will always be with you.
Distance won’t keep us apart
Being in his arms, that’s HOME. No matter where that may be.
I’ll just pretend to hug you until you get here.
When two hearts are meant for each other; no distance is too far, no time is too long and no other love can break them apart.
Yes, I am in a long distance relationship. No, it’s not easy. Yes, it has been worth every moment.

Distance is just another test. I don’t want us to fail it.
“She affected me, even when she was absent.” ― Shannon A. Thompson, Seconds Before Sunrise
“Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.”
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
Distance is just a test to see how far True Love can travel.

Love breaks the distance
long distance relationship messages
And this is my favorite I Miss you Long Distance Relationship Quotes
I think I’d miss you even if we never met.
Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
Adventures are great, especially when the person you love is your destination.

We fell in love in a hopeless place.
Funny Long Distance Relationship Quotes
Some may not really talk about LOVE but some other long distance relationship stuffs.
I wish that you were here or that I were there or that we were together anywhere!
“Long distance relationships through mobile communication generally becomes poor because of the weak signals and ends up due to jammed networks” ― Amit Abraham

I really miss you (but I really love not shaving)
-a military long distance relationship card. lol
I can’t take this long distance relationship anymore. FRIDGE, you’re coming to my room.
Long Distance Relationship Images
These are long distance relationship pictures that tells a lot about this kind of relationship. These are all expressive in different ways. Some are sweet, emotional, few may be hurtful but overall these are beautiful pictures.

If someone truly loves you, DISTANCE is not a problem. It’s just the power of making love grow each day.

My favorite place in the world is wherever you happen to be.

Teddies don’t hug back, but sometimes they’re all you’ve got.

I’ll just pretend to hug you until you get here.

Long Distance Relationship that expresses about pain, hurt,doubt and sadness.
We are the perfect couple, we’re just not in the perfect situation.
I hate the stars because I look at the same ones as you do, without you
When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with yours forever.
This is falling in love in the cruelest way. This is falling for you when you’re worlds away.
Distance is temporary, but our love is permanent
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long
The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.
In human relationships, distance is not measured in miles but in affection. Two people can be right next to each other, yet miles apart.
You don’t have to be ‘together’ to get stabbed in the heart.
The scariest thing about love distance relationship is that you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.
The Pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. -Charles Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby
I’m jealous of people who get to see you everyday.
Songs for Long Distance Relationship
I actually listen to these songs over and over during my long distance relationship seasons. I had two by the way (lol!)
Here’s my Non-Stop Video of Long Distance Relationship Songs. Please leave a comment if you have more songs in mind 😉
Watch in Youtube Long Distance Relationship Songs
- No One by Alicia Keys
- Ed Sheeran – Photograph (Lyric) (added 07.15.15)
- Dying Inside to Hold You by Timmy Thomas
- I Need You Now by Firehouse
- Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie
- Long Distance by Bruno Mars
- We can make it by Code Red
- It might be you by Stephen Bishop
- Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
- Somewhere out there OST of An American Tale
- When You’re Gone by Avril Lavigne
- I won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz
- Right here waiting by Richard Marx
- No one else comes close by Joe
- My love is here for you by Erik Santos
- A thousand Years by Christina Perri
- Whenever you call by Mariah Carey Feat. Brian McKnight
- Waiting in Vain by MYMP
- Here Without You by 3 Doors Down
- Wherever you will go by The Calling
- Drive Myself Crazy by N’Sync
- Miss you by MYMP
- Hey there Delilah by Plain White T’s
- You Are Not Alone by Michael Jackson
- Hello Beautiful by Jonas Brothers
- From Where You Are by Lifehouse
- A thousand miles by Vanessa Carlton
- Kiss Me Through The Phone by Soulja Boy
- My Love Is Like a Star by Demi Lovato
Long Distance Relationship REAL STORIES
These are real stories, maybe videos, letter , crafts of people who are in a long distance relationship. You might wanna check on them and find inspiration to keep your own love story worth keeping. The projects below are awesome long distance relationship gift ideas. See the wonderful long distance relationship mugs, picture frames, pillow, necklaces and more.

Perfect for long distance relationship personalized gift ideas.
In case you’re planning to send something for your love one, aside from the REAL long distance relationship projects above, here are some for sale and creatively done by some talented people online.
Live & Love Custom Necklace. Any 2 States on 1 chain

If your cyber love truly wants to be with you, then he/she would not want to wait forever to meet you. As long as you trust each other and keep in touch about your everyday lives, your relationship might turn out into something REAL. I made this post desire to extend even a little hope to those into this kind of relationship. I would love to hear long distance relationship stories sooner or later on my comment section. Whether near or far, spread the love dear readers!