Hаllоwееn then and today is actually quite fаѕсіnаtіng. Thе hіѕtоrу оf Hаllоwееn hаѕ bееn а mуѕtеrу fоr tоо mаnу уеаrѕ for it is believed to have several interpretations. Thus, it’s origin itself has confused people in many ways.
Hаllоwееn dаtеѕ bасk bеfоrе Chrіѕt. Thе Cеltісѕ’ mуthоlоgу tаught thаt wіth thе соmіng оf wіntеr, а ѕеаѕоn оf thе dеаd comes at nіght іn whісh thе ѕріrіtѕ оf thе dеаd соuld frееlу rоаm аbоut wіth humаnѕ. Sоmе оf thеѕе ѕріrіtѕ wоuld іnflісt ѕuffеrіng аnd vіоlеnсе uроn mаn the very reason why adults and especially children must stay at home to be safe. Tо calm thе ѕріrіtѕ аnd thе gоdѕ thаt wеrе wоrѕhірреd, thе Cеltіс реорlе wоuld рut оut thеіr bеѕt fооd оffеrіngѕ оn thе dооrѕtер. Cеltіс рrіеѕtѕ wоuld аlѕо оffеr ѕасrіfісеѕ like аnіmаls аnd humаns tо thе gоdѕ tо аѕk fоr а rеturn оf thе ѕun hoping thаt thе gоdѕ wоuld frighten аwау thе еvіl ѕріrіtѕ. Oftеn, thе Cеltісѕ wоuld wеаr scary соѕtumеѕ, hоріng tо trick аn еvіl ѕріrіt wіth thе dіѕguіѕе.

Some people also believed that witchcraft rіtuаlѕ (Samhain rituals) are also аѕѕосіаtеd to this Halloween season because it is a tіmе whеn thе dеаd саn еаѕіlу соmmunісаtе wіth thе lіvіng thеrеfоrе mаkіng dіvіnаtіоnѕ аnd ѕасrіfісеѕ durіng thе fаll ѕеаѕоn.
Are you spooked already? Relax! Hearing these spiritual stories in this modern age might actually sound absurd. Isn’t it just so interesting to think that nowadays, Halloween is not anymore season of tricking evil spirits as what the ancient believed? In the eyes of many people and even kids, Halloween has become an awaited interesting festival and celebration to flaunt their costumes yearly. Families go out together to party or gather in the streets of their neighborhood. Some clubs would also have invitational best costume contests that excites the teenagers even more. Shows are prepared on amusement parks and parade of costumes is a big hit too. Kids are just so excited to roam in the neighborhood wearing their Halloween costumes for trick-or-treating.Halloween games are thought of, both for the adults and children to keep everyone hyper especially on Hallow’s eve.

From the spooky night as how Halloween originated, it has become a fun-filled season not just enjoyed by the elders but even the young ones. Aside from the activities mentioned above, what I am really interested about is the amazing Pumpkin carving ideas, patterns, designs and decoration ideas. Circleville Pumpkin Show is the most famous event for this. It would bring out the artistic side of anyone who’d try this. You can also express your interest, especially when choosing the perfect pumpkin design for your house. Some of this carving ideas would even require scraping the pumpkin to putting a candle in it is possible. Are you a cartoon character fan? Yes! It’s possible to carve pumpkins in different characters. Some pumpkin decoration ideas are funny, some are just cool while some are really scary!! Browse on dear friends!
To carve pumpkins into wonderful designs, we should have these 3 important materials needed.
1. Pumpkin itself

They actually don’t grow in the same size and share. Also, a bigger pumpkin doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better. Some would choose little ones but for big pumpkin carving competitions, they usually choose large ones for better design possibilities. It’s important to choose matured pumpkins that can handle short term storage. Check carefully to see if there are bruises and soft areas to know it’s still at it’s best condition.
2. Pumpkin Carving Tools

It requires to have a set of this pumpkin carving tools. We all know it’s just hard to shape, scrape and design a pumpkin flesh with a knife or just any sharp tools. These pumpkin carving tools are design purposely for this kind of activity, so expect for beautiful outcome when you have this and when guided of course. Carving Kits or sets from different brands may offer different tools in it, having different purposes and specialties. So it’s better to read descriptions and browse on tutorials. For those who are interested to purchase pumpkin carving kits, they are available at online stores such as:
- http://www.partycity.com
- http://www.walmart.com
- http://www.amazon.com
- http://www.ebay.com
- http://www.pumpkinmasters.com
3. Pumpkin Carving Stencils

Some people maybe so talented in carving pumpkins without looking at a guide but for beginners, obviously a pumpkin carving pattern is a must! These are pumpkin carving templates that are even made available online and what’s best is that they are printable for free. Here are sources for these printable Halloween pumpkin stencils and patterns:
- http://www.hgtv.com
- http://www.zombiepumpkins.com
- http://www.pumpkinpile.com
- http://www.pumpkinmasters.com
- http://www.bhg.com
- http://www.pumpkinlady.com
Check out this popular Halloween Pumpkin Ideas
Easy Pumpkin Carving Ideas
The most common pumpkin design is of course, none other than Jack-O’-Lantern.

Then there’s the face expressions pumpkin carvings.. Some does not requiring scraping of the pumpkin flesh..

and more pumpkin faces..

Then pumpkin carving with wordings or lettering too.

The followed by these different pumpkin faces. Before they were simple, but look just how talented people are creating even unimaginable pumpkin faces ideas. Proves to show pumpkin aren’t just for kitchen, they’re worth displaying outdoors too! These are the best pumpkin carving I found anywhere online. Sources are made available.
Scary Pumpkin Carving
You have to admit, seeing this scary pumpkin faces on a dark evening would surely scare you away. The house owners probably don’t welcome trick-or-treating (lol!)

Zombie Pumpkins

Cool Pumpkin Designs and some Cute Pumpkin Faces
These are awesome pumpkin carvings that are guests-friendly. Something light, just adorable enough to entertain passersby in the neighborhood.

Flowers Pumpkin Carving

Apple I phone Pumpkin Carving Design

Funny Pumpkin Carvings
I am not a fan of horrors so these pumpkin images are my favorites. If you’re interested to these carving pumpkin ideas too, it would be great to visit their direct sources.

As what I’ve said, if you love a specific cartoon character or celebrity, then check out these pumpkin carving designs.
Harry Potter Pumpkin Carving Design

Jack Skellington Pumpkin

Hello Kitty Pumpkin Design

I know you’d surely love all these Disney Pumpkin Designs..
Mickey Mouse Pumpkin Design

Minnie Mouse Pumpkin Design

Now Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse kissing pumpkin carving design. Sweet!!

Okay let’s not forget about some of Minnie and Mickey’s friends like Pluto, Goofy and Donald Duck.

Winnie The Pooh Carving Designs

Tigger Pumpkin Design

Piglet Pumpkin Carving Pattern

Eeyore Pumpkin Carving Idea

Charlie Brown Pumpkin

Stitch Pumpkin Design

Tree Pumpking Carving

For the detailed pumpkin carving tips, this site is my favorite. I know they’ll soon be your favorites too!
More of Pumpkin Decorating Ideas
For those who would refuse to learn the art of pumpkin carving, don’t worry! There are also many other ways to decorate the star of the Halloween season. No sharp tools needed but would require a little talent of crafting. Here are some of the no carving Halloween pumpkin designs.
Funny Ghost Pumpkin Painting Idea

Pumpkin Painting Ideas and more Pumpkin Decorations

Scary Pumpkin Decoration

For free pumpkin stencils and more Halloween pumpkin pictures, these other sources I would suggest to you. Here are also Youtube pumpkin carving tutorials you’d surely love. Well guys, you still have 2 months more to go so learn soon as you could so that you’d be a master by end of October. Just in time for the season!