I am not sure if it’s just in my Facebook connection or it really is a season of many weddings this year. I’ve been seeing lots of wedding events either on my first degree friends or on my second degree friends. It could also be because, my age at the moment is within the marrying age and that alone should explain everything. No, don’t get me wrong because I really am not complaining. I honestly enjoy photographs, especially the stolen shots take from a wedding. It would evidently express the joy the couple is sharing with, to their family and friends. Indeed, it can be best described as “love is in the air!” If given the honor to be a part of someone’s wedding, I would really to love to help in the best way I can. I’ve sang couple of times, whether during the ceremony or at the reception. I’ve made wedding invitations for free. Helped in editing and printing liturgies. Been a maid of honor and bridesmaid as well. Been sharing list of the most touching and romantic wedding songs for some and the latest help I did was requesting good friends to sing for my college friend’s wedding. Geez, I don’t mind doing some tasks on such a busy event for as long as I could make a friend happy and fulfilled.
Before the wedding day, the closest family and friends of the couple would prepare either a surprised or planned bridal shower for the bride-to-be and while the men would also prepare a bachelor party for the groom-to-be. These parties are fun-filled, with games, gift giving and more surprises. It’s going to be their last party being singles, as they anticipate their special day. I’ve attended couple of bridal shower parties in our office. Few were nice, simple and tame and the most recent are quite kinky. Yay. No matter how you do it, just make sure you’re not gonna do anything that would humiliate and harm the celebrants. Okay?
Too excited for my brother and sister-in-law-to-be’s wedding, I decided to browse on couple of garden wedding ideas and with some related searches, I saw some nice bridal shower ideas. Wow, I should not miss them and I wanted to share them with you. I’m actually picking the 50 Best Bridal Shower Ideas I’ve found online. Just in case you have a dear girl friend getting married soon, or who knows you could have any of these ideas for your own bridal shower event. Let’s get started and I’m sure you would have to agree, girls just wanna have fun!
Bridal Shower Invitations

Prepare a crown, a tiara or this headband with “bride” on it. A stunner she will be.

It’s not always that a girl could receive a sash, make sure you prepare one for the bride to be during her bridal shower party.

DIY Bridal Shower Party Decoration ideas
Let’s begin with prepping the venue with amazing bridal shower theme decorations.
What a beautiful way to decorate the bride-to-be’s chair. Let’s face it, she should really be the queen of the event.
Bride to Be or Future MRS, both are really cute tags.

Look at these bridal shower banners and buntings!

It’s good if you could untie the banner easily, this would work well as props for the bride-to-be’s pictorial session.

This balloon is only perfect for an engagement party.

No doubt, the funniest bridal shower decoration ever! I’d suggest this if the party is set to happen at anybody’s home, right?

DIY Bridal Shower Decoration ideas

Such a naughty decoration idea..

Yayy, those lingerie are too sexy for display!

Shower Party Photo booth idea

Here are few bridal shower party pictorial ideas.. Take a lot of photographs! Enjoy the moment!

This is such a cute idea, especially when your with the closest girls in your life.

Ohhh more glitters and confetti please! No doubt everyone’s having fun.

I don’t know if it would look creepy or what, when the bride-to-be enters the room and sees everyone wearing a mask of her husband-to-be. What do you think?

Bouquet for door wreath.

Bridal Shower entrance decoration

Bridal Shower Gift Ideas

There are few ideas on what to give to the bride-to-be. Some may be cheap and simple, some are crafty and some may be costly.

Here are stones with messages from the girls!

This is idea is awesome. A basket of wine for the FIRST YEAR OF FIRSTS.

Cute paper bags, in preparation to the party favors for the guests. They will all love any of these samples below.

Bridal Shower Party Cupcakes

Bridal Shower Cake Designs

Funny Bridal Shower Cake Idea

Sexy Butt for Bridal Shower party

Bridal Shower Food Ideas

Healthy Snacks for Bridal Shower. Urrrh.

Naughty Pops

Bridal Shower Party Game Ideas
Pin the mustache on the groom. Let the bride-to-be play this, of course.

Pin the JUNK, again let her play this.


Bachelorette party underwear game — Everyone bring one pair, drops them in and bride had to guess who got her which ones

A guessing game for the friends.

This one looks cute, a bridal shower tissue game in an attempt of dressing up brides.

By the time you end this collection, I’m sure you had giggled couple of times with the cute and funny ideas. Show this page to your group of friends so you could decide together for someone’s bridal shower party in the future. Whether you want a big number of guests of just an intimate gathering, that would be fine just make sure the close girl friends of the bride-to-be are all present and ready to party. Don’t hesitate to write us about your own cool ideas. We would love to read them on our comment section. Share this collection on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or email to your troop. I’m sure whoever gets to have a surprise bridal shower party having any of the ideas above present, will surely be happy and touched with your effort! Extend my well wishes to the future MRS!