If there’s one season where glitters, red and green combination, stars, candy canes and snowflakes are popular- that’s no other than our most cherished Christmas season. This wholesome Yuletide days where families are warm and generous. What sweeter way to spread Christmas cheer than to give handmade DIY Christmas cards? What’s good about handmade cards is that you could do exactly what you want with it. The right size, greetings, with your favorite colors and materials. Personalized cards are way better than those mass produced cards and are sold on department stores and card shops. Well, electronic Christmas e-cards are possible but something we can keep physically is much better.
Gifts are fine, but it would be way better if you let your loved ones know about your thoughts for them upon sending your present. Especially when you’re on a low-budget spending this year, you better be doing this. We never know how our card could uplift the spirits of the recipient’s right? Some may be even needing it the most, when our cards are written with positive message and bible verses. The best DIY Christmas cards gathered in this collection are ideal for sending to your family and friends. Some easy and simple handmade cards are also ideal to be taught to kids so they could give to their classmates, teachers, siblings and elder relatives. Make this Christmas even more special by sending a festive message written on beautifully-designed handmade Christmas cards!
Easy DIY Christmas Card Samples
Make use of colorful and pretty materials you have. From buttons, to glitters, crepe papers, washi tapes, glitter glue, fancy gems, beads, yarns, ribbons, gift wrappers, tiny bells, newspapers, old music sheets and more! Just keep in mind that your imagination is unlimited. You can follow these patterns but it’s up to you if you will make changes that would make the card even better. Be creative at your own will!
Rustic Buttons DIY Christmas Card
Sequence / Fancy Gems DIY Christmas Card
They look so pretty, like real glitter balls right?

DIY Christmas Cards with Stitches
Well, I can’t try this because I don’t have sewing skills. Must be your kind of card?

Twigs and Stars DIY Christmas Card
This is very simple yet I like it a lot.

Button Wreath DIY Christmas Card
Draw a circle pattern then paste the different sizes of green buttons. Use glue gun for this.

Christmas Tree DIY Christmas Card
If I were to make this, I’d hang tiny bells on each end.

DIY Christmas Tree Card

Handmade Christmas Tree Card

Easy DIY Christmas Cards for Kids
As what I’ve said earlier, teach the kids to practice expression of themselves by making Christmas cards for people around them. It’s not that we could give them money to shop for stuffs, so this one is still a meaningful gesture for them.
Rudolph Fingerprint DIY Christmas Card

Christmas Tree DIY Card
Go find some colored or designed red and green boards. Cut them ready then let the kids glue it.

Fingerprint Christmas Tree DIY Card
Draw the black pattern then let the kid do the fingerprints.

Potato Stamp DIY Christmas Card
Cut the potato. One oblong shape and another tiny heart shape. Let the kids do their card.

Washi Tape Christmas Tree DIY Card
Cut some washi tapes of different patterns and sizes. Let the kid glue it to form tree.

Rudolph DIY Christmas Card
Cut tons of Rudolph heads. Let the kid draw the eyes, nose and horns.

Simple DIY Christmas Card Ideas
These cards may be simple, but trust me they’d melt the recipients heart!
Rustic Dotted DIY Christmas Card
You can use a brown folder and create red dots.

Sharpened Color Pencil Left-Overs DIY Christmas Card
This is definitely one of my favorite in this collection. I never thought trash could look this pretty when used properly.

Rustic Snowflakes DIY Christmas Card

Ribbon Christmas Tree DIY Christmas Card

DIY Christmas Card

Unique DIY Christmas Cards
More of these samples will show the use of different paper pieces. The color, size and design would really matter.
Poinsettia DIY Christmas Card

Pop-up DIY Christmas Card

Wreath DIY Christmas Card

DIY Christmas Card

Giftwrappers and Buttons DIY Christmas Card

Cute DIY Christmas Cards
Star DIY Christmas Card

Cute Snowman Swinging on String Lights

Beads DIY Christmas Card
If you don’t like pink, you can of course use different colors. Since I love pink, this sample would be perfect.

Button Christmas Balls DIY Christmas Card

Wreath DIY Christmas Card

Christmas Balls DIY Christmas Card

Santa DIY Christmas Card

Creative DIY Christmas Card Ideas
These are very stylish and I am just so thankful to have found them online! Be happy because I am sharing them with you!
Elegant Handmade DIY Christmas Card

Music Sheet DIY Christmas Card

Sewed DIY Christmas Card

Snowflakes DIY Christmas Card

Ribbon Christmas Tree DIY Card

Here’s another elegant looking card. Those snowflakes and pearl suit each others.

Gems DIY Christmas Card

Beautiful DIY Christmas Cards
Candy Cane DIY Christmas Card

Beads or Pearls DIY Christmas Card

Cute DIY Christmas Card

Snowman DIY Christmas Card

Wreath DIY Christmas Card

Buttons DIY Christmas Card

Rustic and Ribbon DIY Christmas Card

Gifts DIY Christmas Card

Wreath Handmade Christmas Card

Sending Christmas cards is an expression of goodwill at Christmastime. We have many options, whether to put religious symbols or themes and use winter wonderland motifs that are equally popular. Let us teach this practice to our young ones so they would appreciate even this inexpensive gesture. When it’s done with love, it’s priceless and timeless! We do hope you found yourself a prospect design. Please don’t hesitate to share with your family and friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and email. All the best for everyone, this magical Christmas season!