For a family whose kids are growing, I’m sure the parents are planning to give their children their own rooms. It’s either to develop their sense of responsibility, independence or privacy. While it may be impossible for low earning families with small homes, for average households, instead of letting the kids be in separate rooms, the parents let the girls be in one room and the boys in another. That sounds more likely like ours. When we were all younger, we had 2 sets of double-deck beds, in our parents room. Isn’t it fun? Yes it was! These days, interior and exterior home ideas have reached far than the designers have expected it would, I believe. Photos of home designs are everywhere online, whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Google. Picking a home design isn’t that hard anymore. All you have to do is find a picture that captivates your taste, show it to your professional carpenters and you will be surprise to see those designs before your very eyes in your very own home.Though living in one room for a family was perfectly fine and fun in my case, if I’d be able to have my own family and home I would love to try any of these Bedroom Ideas and Designs for Kids below. You see, girls will always have secrets to share with each other, a boy will always have stories to share with his brothers and of course parents deserve their privacy too. I would have to admit that only these later years that I and my sister had been sharing stuffs since we left our parents room and yes we’re still sharing one bed until now! Also, when the children are growing, it’s going to be very unorganized and unmanageable that would make the sleeping inconvenient both for the parents and the kids.

Whether you like your kid’s room simple, stylish, elegant, cool, convenient for sleeping or playing – well it’s actually possible! These are my favorite bedroom ideas for children and I’m sharing them with you. There will be rooms available for families with one kid, 2 kids, 3 kids, 4 kids or more. Each bedroom design would depend on your space and budget so just find one that fits perfectly for your home. These aren’t just modern and beautiful looking bedroom ideas, some are also space saving designs intended for a family with a larger number of children. You kids would so love any of these wonderful room ideas. Keep browsing dear parents!
These are rooms intended for a child who’d be sleeping alone in his or her room. The common ideal room ideas for girls are princess themed, flowered, pink and sweet looking rooms. For boys’ bedroom, usually it would be blue or green, looking cool and yes, convenient for playing. What do you about them?
Kids Bedroom Ideas for Girls on Solo

Kids Bedroom Ideas for Boys on Solo
Bedrooms with more that one kid would usually have a bunk bed. A bunk bed is a type of bed in which one bed frame is stacked on top of another. Looking at the pictures, they would surely amaze and entertain your kids more than you could ever imagine!

Kids Bedroom Ideas for Twins / Kids Bedroom Ideas for Two
Supposed you have two kids, or if you have twins! Wow, isn’t it too cool to have both kids in a room so they can be totally bonded and be the best buddies as ever?
Kids Bedroom Ideas for Two Boys

Kids Bedroom Ideas for Two Girls

Girls are born house keepers. We love acting like moms and this bed idea is so perfect for a girl who turns her bed into an entire home for herself.

I really like this idea, of having personalized letter names on each side of the bed. If you would look much into the details, the stairs is indeed a gem! Maximizing the space by turning it into drawers when the girls could keep their stuffs. Adorable indeed!

If not names, initials of the kids would be cute too!

Kids Bedroom Ideas for Three Children

Kids Bedroom Ideas for Four Children
These are ideas ideally for a family with four children or if in case you have a really big extended family having your brother’s and sister’s kids with you, these bedroom designs are perfect for you. Cousins could all sleep together in one room, whether there’s four of them, five, six, seven or up to eight! Trust me, siblings and cousin love is sweet!

Bedroom Design Ideas for Five Kids

Bedroom Design Ideas for Six Kids

Bedroom Design Ideas for Eight

Even if the parents decide to give their children separate bedrooms, timely monitoring on them is a must. It’s never wrong to sleep with them in their rooms or asked them to sleep with the parents’ room once in a while. Good relationship within the family is very important and you would love to see your children grow in love and discipline for sure. Just break the space but never break the bond, that’s how it should be. I enjoyed every single photo above and I would have wanted them for myself if I was younger or if we had enough to spend for home re-design. What’s your favorite? Do you have other ideas in mind that you would like to share? Please do, we would love to hear about you! Leave your ideas, picture links on our comment section. We might feature it here. I know every parent would love to meet the needs of their children so providing them amazing bedroom ideas for kids would definitely be a big help. We do hope you enjoyed this collection. Have a fun day ahead, everyone!